For after hours emergencies, please call 936-639-1825 for instructions for contacting the on-call doctor.
After hours service is available to established clients of Southwood Drive Animal Clinic only. We do not provide after hours service for clients of other Veterinary clinics. To be considered an established client, we must have seen a patient for you, during regular office hours within the past three years.
What is an emergency?
- Your pet has been hit by a car
- Seizures lasting more than 2 minutes
- Male cat that strains to urinate
- Bloody diarrhea
- Uncontrolled vomiting
- Uncontrolled bleeding / Large wound or gash
- Respiratory distress
- Large dog gastric bloat
- Ingested toxins such as poisonous plants, insecticides, sugar free gum, grapes, chocolate and anti-freeze
- Heat Stroke
- Eye Problems